Spy (2015)

Posted in Reviews by - August 31, 2016
Spy (2015)

Action comedy from Bridesmaids director Paul Feig, who has become something of a torchbearer in championing a new breed of female-led comedy films in Hollywood. He subverts Melissa McCarthy’s archetypal chubby-best-friend routine to provide the comedian with her first leading role. As humble desk-bound CIA operative Susan Cooper, she’s the subservient PA to a Bond-like secret agent played with gleeful shtick by Jude Law. She is sent into the field when her beloved sidekick is gunned down by Rose Byrne’s arms-dealing daddy’s girl. Susan is assigned undercover identities which conform to her assumed physical and gender stereotypes – a tourist with haemorrhoid cream, a mad cat lady – despite being an expert fighter and a talented spy. She is joined periodically by Jason Statham who steals the film in a potty-mouthed spoof of his action hero persona. His over-the-top tales of derring-do make up some of the film’s funniest moments, with British comedians Miranda Hart and Peter Serafinowicz also providing eccentric allies. Feig proves himself to be a potential Bond director in waiting, convincingly sandwiching sports cars, gadgets, European locations, Russian accents and a John Barry-esque title sequence in between the wisecracks, not to mention some satisfyingly crunchy if knowingly ironic action sequences.

This post was written by
Editor and creator of Kung Fu Movie Guide and the host of the Kung Fu Movie Guide Podcast. I live behind a laptop in London, UK.

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